Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July 2010

Virginia and I went to the Jay Football Field last night to photograph the 4th of July fireworks celebration. Hope you enjoy seeing a few of my pics. Gloria

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sadie...always watching and waiting

Sadie is almost 5 months old and is the gentlest, most affectionate, smartest puppy in the world (not that I might be prejudiced). She is so responsive to my moods and is the perfect size for a companion for me. She learns so quickly it amazes me. It took a little longer to learn down, but she mastered it quickly. We will start on down stay next week. I know that will be hard on her as she always wants to be at my side. Such a unique breed and wonderful little dog.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Best in Show Specialty Ch. Folsom show photo

The Best in Show Specialty photo finally came in today. He is absolutely unbelievable in type, substance, health and conformation. Remember this win and photo were taken at 7 months 10 days old. Congratulations to his owner/handler Michelle Mosher. We are so proud of both of them. I am honored to be a co-owner with Greg.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BISS Champion Folsom

Michelle got back a couple show pics from Albuquerque where Folsom went Best in Show Specialty at 7 months 10 days old, setting a record. His BISS has not come in yet but I could not wait to share this with everyone. What an awesome Akita puppy. Michelle will have lots of fun showing him in the special's ring when he grows up a little more. Congratulations again, Michelle, on your outstanding presentation of your puppy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cash and Gabby - Mini Aussie Adult Foundation Stock

Head shots of Gabby, blue merle, and Cash, black and white male.

Foundation Stock - Miniature Australian Shepherds

I was able to stop by Greg's last Wednesday morning and take a few pics of the Mini Aussie adults including Sadie's dam and sire (Dottie and Boy Blue). I know her sire has to be the most beautiful dog I have ever seen in this breed. Sadie is going thru the lanky puppy stage (4 1/2 months) and only a mother could call her beautiful at this point. Greg said her dad did the same thing, so I feel sure she will mature with all the potential she promised as a puppy. Greg is breeding her sire to Dottie and Abbie. He is breeding Cash, who is classified as a toy because he is under 14 inches tall, to Gabby, Sadie's aunt who is my idea of what a female mini should look like. One female is in season now and the others will be bred between now and the first of next year as we have homes waiting for quality puppies. I am more pleased with Sadie every day that she shares my life and my home. She and I are going to take obedience classes in the fall, and will try some easy agility (easy for me, that is) once we get the obedience down pat. Let me know how you like the adults Greg has. Dottie is the red merle and Abbie is the black tri color who is not much bigger than Sadie. I will publish this blog then do a short note with Cash and Gabby since I cannot figure out a way to put the names with the dogs or separate the pictures in the text.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Unbelievable Weekend - Albuquerque NW Dog Shows

Michelle and Folsom, along with her friend and helper, Denise, traveled to Albuquerque for the regional Akita Specialty and the all breed shows Saturday and Sunday. Michelle and Folsom took Best in Sweeps under respected breeder judge, Dave Osborn. They went on to show in the Akita Specialty show and Folsom won Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best in Show Specialty at 7 months, 10 days old! We believe this is the youngest Akita in the breed history to ever win a BISS and are trying to confirm same. Folsom was WD and Best of Winners the next two days to finish his championship undefeated. This is an amazing feat for a puppy and an owner handler. To say that Greg and I are proud of them is way understating our feelings. We will be adding pics as soon as they come in. Way to go Michelle and Folsom!!!

I am including a pic here taken in Grove, OK showing Folsom and Michelle moving out in the breed ring.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just a Note to Say Hi and Remember Mom's Day!

Mother's are people who love you from the minute you are born until they pass away; you can always count on your mom to be there for you. Mother's get their reward when you have children; grandchildren are one of life's greatest treasures. I hope everyone will take time to appreciate their mom on this Sunday which has been set aside as Mother's Day. Just let your mom know you love and appreciate her; it will keep her happy for months to come. Love to all moms out there and to my family and friends. May God Bless You All!

Sadie Playing

If anyone is not convinced this little girl is special, I don't know how to tell maybe I can show you! She is such a wonderful companion, so much fun, and so easy to live with! A couple pics were taken after dark and she was trying to tell me it was past bedtime, the other two just after dawn yesterday morning. More info on the Akitas tomorrow or the next day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Miniature Australian Shepherds

My puppy, Sadie, is a Miniature Australian Shepherd. Mini Aussies should conform to the breed standard set for Australian Shepherd except for size. Sadie should mature at 14 to 16 inches tall and approximately 20 to 25 lbs.

Bred by my close friend, Greg Thomas, from working stock, Sadie exhibits great intelligence, loyalty, trainability and common sense. She is the perfect companion for anyone who wants a smaller dog who learns quickly, would make an excellent dog for obedience or agility competition, and who will give their owners their entire devotion in return for same.

Greg is a full time cattle rancher who lives in southeastern Oklahoma. He also raises a few running horses, and some of the best Akitas I have ever known in my 25 years of showing Akitas. His Aussies are bred to work livestock and I truly believe that is why his minis are so easy to live with. Greg is a graduate of OSU, and has generations of animal husbandry in his background. Greg has a strong commitment to health and conformation in his dogs and livestock. He is active in showing cattle and Akitas, working with young people who are involved in showing, and is from a family of ranchers.

The breed standard for Australian Shepherds is easily available for those who are unfamiliar with the breed. The miniature Aussies should conform to this standard in every way except for their smaller size. If you are interested in learning more about this wonderful breed, please take time to read the AKC standard for Australian Shepherds. You may search for Australian Shepherd Breed Standard and learn what you should look for in this wonderful breed. I tried to copy and paste it in this blog, but was prevented from doing so.

If you have any questions about the mini Aussie, please leave me a comment as I will be delighted to answer you to the best of my ability.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1st

How in the world is it already May, 2010? Everything is so green and so beautiful outside. My honeysuckle is LOADED with huge blooms and the hummingbirds prefer it to the syrup I make for them. However, I was surprised to see the red bellied and downey woodpeckers drinking from the hummingbird feeders!

A couple people have asked me how I came up with the name OPR Shichi. I have been OPR Akitas for over 25 years. When we moved to the hills and creeks southeast of Jay we had a high ridge covered with pine trees, so we called our place Piney Ridge. When I got Akitas, I started out with Piney Ridge on their registered names, however, it used too much room to come up with a good name for the dog, so shortened it to Of Piney Ridge, or O'PR and eventually just OPR. Greg's kennel name is unique. Since Akitas are Japanese dogs, he used the number 7, which is Shichi in Japanese. He had a total of seven dogs, was born on the 7th day of the month and his ranch brand is 7T.

I am sharing a few pics taken before I had dental surgery of the beautiful spring flowers in our area.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 3 after having all my upper teeth pulled

Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still feeling rather puny. I have lots of news and pics to add on here, but just not feeling quite up to it yet. I will post a couple more shots taken after the Grove shows of Folsom and Ziggy. Next time I will try to add some information of interest to those who don't know us or the breeds, as well as some pics of Sadie having fun growing up. She is about 14 weeks old now and more precious every day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sadie My Baby

Since I will be recovering tomorrow from the dentist, I will send a few Sadie pics your way from the morning. She graduated from her crate to my bed once I could trust her loose in the room. Not that she is spoiled or anything. I will also add a pic of Michelle (Silverado Akitas) with Ziggy taken after the Grove shows. I will have to learn how to post multiple pics in one blog but not today! Hope you enjoy these!

Day 2...Work in Progress

I am sure you can tell this is my first effort in building a blog and I am not very computer savvy. I will be away from the computer a few days for dental work, but will try to learn more about posting and get some info from Michelle that will make for more interesting reading.

Michelle took Folsom to his first dog shows in Grove, OK, driving from CO to stay with me so Greg and I could see him shown. What a thrill it was! He took Winners Dog and Best of Breed his first time in the ring over a nice, ranked special, and was Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex the other two days. His 2 year old sister, Ziggy, was Winner's Bitch both days she was entered.

For now the Akitas will dominate the show information, but you will have daily pics of Sadie growing up and her exploits. I am so smitten with the mini Aussies...what a joy she is.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hi. Welcome to OPR-Shici Akitas and Mini Australian Shepherds. Greg Thomas and I, Gloria Ketcher, have been breeding and showing Akitas for twenty plus years and we have been joined by Michelle Mosher, Silverado Akitas. Michelle has had our dogs over several years, but since acquiring her young male Akita, Folsom, from us she is assuming an active role in our showing and breeding program. Now that I am in my 70's, I am leaving the heavy lifting of the Akitas to Greg and Michelle while sitting on the side lines cheering them on. I am totally enamored by the miniature Australian Shepherds, and will keep you posted on my beautiful Sadie and her exploits.
I will try to keep this blog updated several times a week with pics, comments, information about our dogs and others, and hope many of you will take time to respond, ask questions or simply comment about our dogs and yours. I will try to add information on Folsom's very first shows at 6 months, some pics of him and older sister, Ziggy, tomorrow. Pedigrees will follow.