Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hi. Welcome to OPR-Shici Akitas and Mini Australian Shepherds. Greg Thomas and I, Gloria Ketcher, have been breeding and showing Akitas for twenty plus years and we have been joined by Michelle Mosher, Silverado Akitas. Michelle has had our dogs over several years, but since acquiring her young male Akita, Folsom, from us she is assuming an active role in our showing and breeding program. Now that I am in my 70's, I am leaving the heavy lifting of the Akitas to Greg and Michelle while sitting on the side lines cheering them on. I am totally enamored by the miniature Australian Shepherds, and will keep you posted on my beautiful Sadie and her exploits.
I will try to keep this blog updated several times a week with pics, comments, information about our dogs and others, and hope many of you will take time to respond, ask questions or simply comment about our dogs and yours. I will try to add information on Folsom's very first shows at 6 months, some pics of him and older sister, Ziggy, tomorrow. Pedigrees will follow.


  1. Testing to see if the Post a comment is working.

  2. Gloria, you're always up on the latest technology :) Is this your new website or is this gonna be an addition to your old webite? Good job!

  3. PS Folsom is awesome :) Seen your facebook pics of him.

  4. Gloria, I love what you are doing with the place. As you know we own TeddyBear, Folsom's brother. I need to send you some pictures of him, he and Folsom look allot a like. Specially the head and the face. Beautiful boys.


  5. Hi Gloria! Would love to get in touch with you and find out who is taking care of the Akita line. Our boy has been gone for three years now and we are ready for a new family member. Lynda Barrett

  6. do you have a puppy for me? Akita??? Please let me know...Or if you know someone?

  7. Gloria please contact Bret Knox as soon as you can bear has passed away at 14 years 8 months old we are devastated I know we asked for a puppy before but we simply could not take the new puppy because to our surprise bear turned around and lived a whole nother year he was almost like a new dog for a year and now he is finally passed away I hope we didn't cause any trouble by not taking the puppy but we knew we needed to focus all our attention on bear since he had turned around for the better but now he is passed away and we are devastated as you can imagine and want a male adult big as soon as possible please contact me 314 6:05 2926

  8. How can I get a hold of someone about a mini Aussie ? Had Greg’s number a few years back but miss placed it ?
