Monday, June 7, 2010

Foundation Stock - Miniature Australian Shepherds

I was able to stop by Greg's last Wednesday morning and take a few pics of the Mini Aussie adults including Sadie's dam and sire (Dottie and Boy Blue). I know her sire has to be the most beautiful dog I have ever seen in this breed. Sadie is going thru the lanky puppy stage (4 1/2 months) and only a mother could call her beautiful at this point. Greg said her dad did the same thing, so I feel sure she will mature with all the potential she promised as a puppy. Greg is breeding her sire to Dottie and Abbie. He is breeding Cash, who is classified as a toy because he is under 14 inches tall, to Gabby, Sadie's aunt who is my idea of what a female mini should look like. One female is in season now and the others will be bred between now and the first of next year as we have homes waiting for quality puppies. I am more pleased with Sadie every day that she shares my life and my home. She and I are going to take obedience classes in the fall, and will try some easy agility (easy for me, that is) once we get the obedience down pat. Let me know how you like the adults Greg has. Dottie is the red merle and Abbie is the black tri color who is not much bigger than Sadie. I will publish this blog then do a short note with Cash and Gabby since I cannot figure out a way to put the names with the dogs or separate the pictures in the text.

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