Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 3 after having all my upper teeth pulled

Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still feeling rather puny. I have lots of news and pics to add on here, but just not feeling quite up to it yet. I will post a couple more shots taken after the Grove shows of Folsom and Ziggy. Next time I will try to add some information of interest to those who don't know us or the breeds, as well as some pics of Sadie having fun growing up. She is about 14 weeks old now and more precious every day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sadie My Baby

Since I will be recovering tomorrow from the dentist, I will send a few Sadie pics your way from the morning. She graduated from her crate to my bed once I could trust her loose in the room. Not that she is spoiled or anything. I will also add a pic of Michelle (Silverado Akitas) with Ziggy taken after the Grove shows. I will have to learn how to post multiple pics in one blog but not today! Hope you enjoy these!

Day 2...Work in Progress

I am sure you can tell this is my first effort in building a blog and I am not very computer savvy. I will be away from the computer a few days for dental work, but will try to learn more about posting and get some info from Michelle that will make for more interesting reading.

Michelle took Folsom to his first dog shows in Grove, OK, driving from CO to stay with me so Greg and I could see him shown. What a thrill it was! He took Winners Dog and Best of Breed his first time in the ring over a nice, ranked special, and was Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex the other two days. His 2 year old sister, Ziggy, was Winner's Bitch both days she was entered.

For now the Akitas will dominate the show information, but you will have daily pics of Sadie growing up and her exploits. I am so smitten with the mini Aussies...what a joy she is.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hi. Welcome to OPR-Shici Akitas and Mini Australian Shepherds. Greg Thomas and I, Gloria Ketcher, have been breeding and showing Akitas for twenty plus years and we have been joined by Michelle Mosher, Silverado Akitas. Michelle has had our dogs over several years, but since acquiring her young male Akita, Folsom, from us she is assuming an active role in our showing and breeding program. Now that I am in my 70's, I am leaving the heavy lifting of the Akitas to Greg and Michelle while sitting on the side lines cheering them on. I am totally enamored by the miniature Australian Shepherds, and will keep you posted on my beautiful Sadie and her exploits.
I will try to keep this blog updated several times a week with pics, comments, information about our dogs and others, and hope many of you will take time to respond, ask questions or simply comment about our dogs and yours. I will try to add information on Folsom's very first shows at 6 months, some pics of him and older sister, Ziggy, tomorrow. Pedigrees will follow.